Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Been A Long Time Gone -- But I'm OK

Sept. 1 2021

This is likely the most neglected blog in history... I was amazed I remembered my sign in info!

So, things are all discombobulated --- I'm temporarily displaced from my home, due to bad wiring and fear of dying in a fire... Long story. Not very interesting. The NEW PLACE will be fabulous and way more interesting. I'll be sure to post about that when it happens... if it happens... 

On top of that (as you know, unless you've been hibernating in a cave the last year or so) this global pandemic COVID19 thing has everything turned all crazy. Wearing masks is now the norm... and as kids finally made it back to school a new variant has emerged, making lots of parents wonder why their kids went back in the first place. There are spirited debates (some bad spirited, I'm afraid) between the "Yes, I'll take the vaccine." and the "Hell No, don't drink the Kool-Aid - Don't make me take a shot that I don't trust not to have adverse effects.". The FDA has approved the Pfizer vaccine and deemed it safe, but a lot of people are still on the fence. I myself have not had the vaccine. I have seen so many people desperately sick for days after each dose and I am afraid. I do plan to have a serious talk with my oncologist next visit to help make a more informed decision. 

The US has officially pulled out of Afghanistan, with disastrous results so far.  Thirteen US men and women killed by two suicide bombers as evacuations were underway at the airport. On top of that we apparently left millions in military equipment IN AFGHANISTAN that the Alqueda can now use against their citizens -- and us! Who was thinking when all that was decided? We should have brought back every American who wanted to come and every piece of US property. Period. 

Besides all that this past weekend another Category 4 Hurricane hit the finally-getting-life-together-after-Katrina people in Louisiana. Flooding and devastation mixed with glorious stories of people helping each other. I feel for them... We worry here in Florida about hurricanes, with good reason, but my part of Florida has never experienced such as this. Heartbreaking. 

Photography? Nada. Haven't taken pictures in ages. I miss it too. I need to get back out there again... last pics I took were Senior Pictures for my niece Grace. She has gone off to college in Georgia already and I am enjoying seeing her moms posts on Facebook. Beautiful, smart, and capable. She's going to do great in college. 

Tatting, you ask?  Nope. Done none of that either... All tatting books and threads are packed away safely. I'll be able to get back to it soon enough. All my shuttles are here for safekeeping. I have so many beautiful shuttles. Makes me happy just to look at them. Not a lot makes me happy these days, so glad to have them here. 

Drawing though... yes, that I have kept up with. Likely because pens and paper take up very little space and it's easy to pick up and take with me. Hope to post pics when life gets back to normal (whatever the new Normal will be.) With that thought I will get off here and stop writing. I hope to have more positive things to talk about when next I post. 

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